Business Incentives

Downtown Salina is open for business!

We want you to be a part of the resurgence, whether you are currently operating a downtown business, or have an interest in a new business in downtown Salina.

The City of Salina and Salina 2020 recognize that improving or relocating a business to downtown Salina requires additional capital. We encourage eligible new and existing downtown Salina businesses to apply for Community Improvement District financing (CID) or Tax Increment Financing (TIF) funds that have been made available as part of the downtown revitalization project. Downtown Salina has also been established as a Qualified Opportunity Zone, which provides for additional federal income tax incentives in certain qualifying cases.

Community Improvement District

The City of Salina has established a CID in downtown Salina. Community Improvement Districts (CID) can accelerate new development and redevelopment, enhancing the quality of life and the economic well-being of the district through the use of an add-on sales tax throughout the CID. An additional sales and use tax of 1% will be charged throughout the CID with a portion of the revenue generated to be used to reimburse some of the eligible costs for improving new and existing businesses within the CID.

Salina 2020 - Salina, Kansas

Projects will be funded on a “pay-as-you-go” basis, which means as revenue is generated over time. Developers/owners of proposed new projects in the CID and owners of existing businesses in the CID are encouraged to apply for use of the CID funds through the process described in the link below.

Salina 2020 - Salina, Kansas

Community Improvement District

The City of Salina has established a CID in downtown Salina. Community Improvement Districts (CID) can accelerate new development and redevelopment, enhancing the quality of life and the economic well-being of the district through the use of an add-on sales tax throughout the CID. An additional sales and use tax of 1% will be charged throughout the CID with a portion of the revenue generated to be used to reimburse some of the eligible costs for improving new and existing businesses within the CID.

Projects will be funded on a “pay-as-you-go” basis, which means as revenue is generated over time. Developers/owners of proposed new projects in the CID and owners of existing businesses in the CID are encouraged to apply for use of the CID funds through the process described in the link below.

Learn more about The City of Salina’s Community Improvement District Policy

See additional benefits of the CID

See the types of costs and projects eligible for consideration of CID funding

Applications for new and existing businesses eligible for CID funds

Prior to applying for CID funds, we welcome the opportunity to meet with you. Contact Larry Britegam with Salina 2020 at (785) 309-5510 or or Margy Clem with the City of Salina at (785) 309-5715 or to schedule a meeting.

See the boundaries of the CID in downtown Salina

Tax Increment Financing

Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is a real estate development tool used to reimburse certain eligible costs for commercial development projects. TIF uses the increases in real estate tax revenues within a TIF district to reimburse the developer on a “pay-as-you-go” basis (in other words, as such revenues are generated over time). The City of Salina has created a TIF district and approved a TIF project plan in order to allow for application of these revenues to incentivize new commercial and infrastructure development within the TIF district.

See the types of costs and projects eligible or excluded for reimbursement through TIF funding

See the boundaries of the TIF District in downtown Salina

Applications for new (to downtown Salina) businesses eligible for TIF funds

Prior to applying for TIF funds, we welcome the opportunity to meet with you. Contact Larry Britegam with Salina 2020 at (785) 309-5510 or or Krystal Norris with the City of Salina at (785) 833-8117 (direct), (785) 309-5715 (department) or to schedule a meeting.

Qualified Opportunity Zones

Opportunity Zones, established by Congress in December 2017 as part of the Tax Cuts and Job Act, promote long-term investments in certain census tracts, with the goal of stimulating development in these economically distressed communities. This program allows taxpayers to re-invest private capital gains and postpone or decrease federal capital gains taxes in communities designated as “Qualified Opportunity Zones.”

Downtown Salina has been designated as a Qualified Opportunity Zone to attract investment and provide economic growth to our community.

See the designated Opportunity Zones in Saline County

In addition to the incentives mentioned here, Salina Downtown Inc. is providing mini-grants and forgivable loans, new business recruitment loans and cluster marketing grants